Wednesday, May 15, 2013

list of the best and important alternative windows tools and software for linux

9:40 AM

Microsoft Office, alternative for linux:
LibreOffice, OpenOffice
MS. Paint, alternative for linux:
TuxPaint, Pencil, KolourPaint, Pinta
Notepad, alternative for linux:
Kate, NEdit, Scribes, Gedit, Jedit, Leafpad, Tpad
 Windows Media Player/Video Player, alternative for linux:
KPlayer, VLC Player, Mplayer, Xine
Winamp/Music Player, alternative for linux:
Banshee, BMP, Clementine, Exaile, Muine, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Songbird, GMPC, Amarok, aTunes, Audacious, cmus, juK, mpg123, MOC, SoX, XMMS
Ccleaner/Tuneup Utilities, alternative for linux:
BleachBit, Ubuntu Tweak
Webcam, alternative for linux:
Adobe Photoshop, alternative for linux:
GIMP, Krita, CinePaint, GIMPshop
Macromedia Dreamweaver/Adobe Dreamweaver, alternative for linux:
BlueGriffon, KompoZer, Amaya, Bluefish Editor, Aptana Studio, Quanta Plus, OOWeb, SciTE, SCREEM 
Virtual DJ, alternative for linux:
Mixxx, XWax 
PDF Reader, alternative for linux:
Adobe Reader, Foxit, Google Chrome, Okular, XPDF, Apvlv, Zathura, MufPDF 
 Autocad, alternative for linux:
FreeCAD, QCad Community Edition, Archimedes, BRL-CAD, LibreCAD
AVG, Kaspersky/Antivirus Software, alternative for linux:
ClamAV, Avast 
Internet Download Manager (IDM), alternative for linux:
Multiget, Gwget, Uget 
Partitions Manager, alternative for linux:
Animation Program, alternative for linux:
MagicISO, UltraISO, PowerISO/ISO burner tools, alternative for linux:
 Sony Soundforge, Cakewal/Audio Editor, alternative for linux:
Audacity, Goldwave, LMMS, Ardour, Ecasound, EnergyXT, Freecycle, Hydrogen, Jokosher, MP3 Direct Cut, MusE, Qtractor, ReZound, Rosegarden, SoX, Sweep, Traverso DAW, WaveSurfer, Melody Assistant
Guitar Pro, alternative for linux:
Cyberlink Power Director, Corel Video Studio, Adobe Premiere Elements/Video Editor, alternative for linux:
Avidemux, Cinelerra, Kdenlive, Kino, LiVES, Openshot, Blender


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