Sunday, July 7, 2013

adding non root user backtrack 5

9:29 PM

this is how to add non root user in backtrack 5, just follow the step.

- Fixing Up /etc/skel

root@bt:~# cp .config/menus/ /etc/skel/.config/menus/
the above command will give the correct menus for new user.

root@bt:~# sed -i 's/XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME\/"/XDG_DESKTOP_DIR="$HOME\/desktop"/'  /etc/skel/.config/user-dirs.dirs
root@bt:~#mkdir /etc/skel/desktop 
the 2 command above will set the desktop folder for new users to /home/<user>/desktop and makes sure that folder is exists in the users home directory.

root@bt:~# sed -i 's/Wallpaper\[\$e\]=\/opt\/kde3\/share\/wallpapers\/origin2.jpg/Wallpaper\[\$e\]=\/opt\/kde3\/share\/wallpapers\/bt4.png/' /etc/skel/.kde3/share/config/kdesktoprc
command above will sets the fancy new desktop wallpaper for new users.
root@bt:~# cp .kde3/share/icons/nuvoX_0.7/ /etc/skel/.kde3/share/icons/nuvoX_0.7/
root@bt:~# unzip -ou .kde3/share/icons/nuvoX_0.7/ -d /etc/skel/.kde3/share/icons/nuvoX_0.7/ 
command above will set the BackTrack dragon icon in the KDE menu.
root@bt:~# cp -R /root/{.wine,.dragon,.fluxbox,.mozilla,.msf3,.subversion,.conky_scripts,.liferea_1.4,.gem} /etc/skel/
command above will  copies over some some other configuration files for various programs installed with BackTrack.

- Create New User

root@bt:~# adduser YourUsername
command above will adding you new user into backtrack, and this is where we will set a new password for the new user.
root@bt:~# usermod --groups admin,disk,cdrom,audio YourUsername
command above will add your new user into the group.

now restart your machine and login as the new user.


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